Saturday, 25 February 2017

Felt Solar System

A few weeks ago my daughter had a presentation at her science class about our solar system. We made together a small Power Point presentation but I also wanted something for her that is not digital. So I made a felt solar system.

I saw something similar at Stephanie, but I wanted to make with my own design. Here is the result...

Felt Solar System Felt Solar System

The asteroid belt is made of some mineral beads:

Felt Solar System

The Kuiper belt made of some small white and clear beads:

Felt Solar System

Felt planets:

Felt Solar System

Felt Solar System


Thursday, 23 February 2017

Felted Table Topper

Just wanted to show you what I found yesterday...

I was cleaning the dresser from our guest room when I found my old felted table topper. I made it about 20 years ago at a festival. It is a wet felted table runner made from wool. The original colour was natural creamy white with red and grey highlights. It is 26 cm wide and 38 cm long (~10" by 15") and actually it is in a pretty good condition considering that it is my only wet felted table runner and was made 20 years ago without any experience... I remember that I also made a felted ball matching this table topper but I just can't find it. I think I should clean another dresser...

Felted Table Topper Felted Table Topper


Monday, 20 February 2017

Mini Memory Quilt in Red


Finally ready! I feel like it took meg forever to finish this small but it's ready. I can finally play with it. I mean... My daughter can play with it :)

The full quilt is about 32 x 46 cm (about 12.5 in x 18 in), the side of a small rectangle is 4 cm (~1.5 in), almost the same size as my other mini memory quilt. The difference is that for this one I used a slightly smaller binding, I think it looks better like this. The back of the quilt is made of a piece of a white polar blanket. The binding is the same dark red velvet I used for my red memory quilt.

Now my daughter can play with it...


Saturday, 18 February 2017

Tea Mug Necklaces

The other day I found these two adorable tiny little tea mugs. They are less than 2cm tall (about 3/4 in).

Tea Mug Necklaces

I think they are perfect for pendants on necklaces for kids.

Tea Mug Necklaces Tea Mug Necklaces

For the mug with green dots I crocheted a single chain necklace and secured it with a double knot and finished it with a small bow.

Tea Mug Necklaces Tea Mug Necklaces Tea Mug Necklaces

For the orange one I made a twisted rope and added the mug to is.

Tea Mug Necklaces Tea Mug Necklaces Tea Mug Necklaces

Which one do you like more?

Tea Mug Necklaces Tea Mug Necklaces

My daughter's bear prefers the orange one...

Tea Mug Necklaces


Thursday, 16 February 2017

Felt Bracelets

Felt Bracelets

About a year ago I made a pink felt bracelet for my daughter. She really likes it, she wears it a lot, and it was even washed a couple of times. This week she asked me to make another one, but this time a blue one. (I think, she is now into her blue period...) So I made her a new bracelet.

Felt Bracelets

I used similar wool blend felt in both cases. After making something from wool I’m always concerned of how’s it holding up. Comparing the old and new bracelets I can see the difference between them. If you take a look at the images of the pink bracelet, you can see some of the pills highlighted with arrows. Felt Bracelets Felt Bracelets Felt Bracelets I know, that all felt will pill and fuzz over time depending on how you use it, but actually it is not that bad, it can be corrected. Let’s see what happens with the blue bracelet after a few months…

Felt Bracelets Felt Bracelets Felt Bracelets Felt Bracelets


Monday, 13 February 2017

Mini Memory Quilt in Red

This weekend I finished the quilt top of my mini memory quilt and quilted it.

It took me less than I expected to put all the 2 by 2 blocks together, but then the quilting part... I felt like it took me forever. After checking the dates of the pictures on my camera I realised that I quilted it in less than an hour with a regular sewing machine. For backing I used a small piece of a white polar blanket. Now I need to do the binding and it's ready!

Mini Memory Quilt in Red Mini Memory Quilt in Red Mini Memory Quilt in Red Mini Memory Quilt in Red


Friday, 10 February 2017

Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day

Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day

Created some lavender filled felt hearts for Valentine's Day.

During the summer we collected lots of lavender, they are so pretty and smell great. I thought that I will fill some felt hearts with them. I felt that the hearts are a bit too light so I added some salt to the lavender.

Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day

I made a brooche, a gift tag, a necklace, and the rest I will hide in our drawers. They just smell so good.

Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day Lavender Filled Felt Hearts for Valentine's Day

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